Today it is hard to be writing that I have been feeling sick again with anemia and being dizzy. This is making me sleep all the time and I cannot help it. When I was at my worse, I saw a beautiful blue/green flying thing in the air that gave love and energy to me and my neighbor on the porch. It also gave me some strength to get some better. I know with out a doubt what I was seeing was the angels giving me the love and energy to keep going and that it was not my time.
Just as I know the different lights that are not explained or when I finished a story about duck, and we heard out of the blue a duck call in the middle of Las Vegas where there are no ducks that things cannot be explained to most people. You have to believe to understand and I for one am open to believe but I also want to have facts to back things up that I don't experience on my own.
If anyone reading this has any experiences, please let me know so I can know that what my neighbor and I experience is not just us experiencing it. I know there are things on Internet but what are real and what are fake on there?
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